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NOTICE! Camps Dates And Venues Are Subject To Change

NB: To guarantee and/or secure your child's spot, make 50% payment of your chosen camp fee by bank transfer or wire and the balance at camp site on day one.




We have qualified and committed professional coaches, whom are always there in every of our training sessions and camps to offer a wide variety of exciting and enriching programmes for you and your family which fits your child interests.  Our camps are conveniently located and designed for campers (children) to have fun but also learning and instructive for life. Our coaches will provide activities that have a positive, life-long impact and memory on your child through;


* Communicating core values of respect, responsibility, honesty and caring

* Developing self-confidence and independence

* Creating lasting friendships and lifelong memories 

* Activities and conversations with each camper every day to increase their social growth

* Encouraging, learning and exploration in a supportive environment

* Infusing fun and good health into activities each day




* International School of Luxembourg Sports Complex 36, boulevard Pierre Dupong Merl, L-1430 Luxembourg City

* Stade Hollerich Letzebuerg 6, Rue de l'Abattoir Hollerich-Merl, L-1111 Luxembourg City

* Stade Prince Jean rue de Strassen Merl, L-2555 Luxembourg City

* Stade Hamm (Synthetic field) 99, Rue de Hamm, L-1713 Luxembourg City


Programme/ Activities:

* Study the basics. Learn soccer's basic rules and understand each position

* Basic football/ soccer skills

* Goal keeper training

* Classroom board, video and interactive session learning (focusing on one skill at a time)
* SAQ (Speed Agility and Quickness) skills workshop
* Developing generic NeuroMovement skills

* Personalised - individual football/ soccer training

* Association Games & position Drills     

* World football festival (Mini world cup games)

* Fun games, ball skills, coordination, Basic football/soccer small side games 7 v 7 (Ages 4-7 years old)

* Fine Arts (After lunch break to have some rest before recommence/ continuing with soccer)


Coach ratios and training:


Ages 4-5

A coach to child ratio of 1:10 is normally maintained.

Ages 6-12

2 coaches to child ratio of 1:15 is normally maintained.

Ages 12-17

A coach to child ratio of 1:15 is normally maintained.


Coach-child ratios are adjusted to assure adequate supervision for the age group, ability and physical condition of all the campers.


Inclement Weather:


Our camp will go indoors or take shelter in a designated area until inclement weather clears.  Football/ Soccer and active games will likely not be played indoors as activities are subject to the facility.  There are no refunds due to bad weather.


Required materials from campers:




Dress your Child (camper) for the weather! Some programme such as Outdoor Day Camp, are all outdoors. Please send a jacket, if it’s chilly and a poncho if it’s raining! We won’t let a few raindrops or a little rain drop stop our fun! However “TRAINING WILL BE STOPPED, IF RAIN IS TOO HEAVY” Wear shoes for running and playing football / soccer!

Extreme heat: In case of extreme heat, we will provide shade or move indoor for games, but if remain outdoors, we’ll provide breaks for water and anyone who needs an extra break should request it. Parents can also help by sending their kids water (or a nutritious drink) in an insulated thermos.


Following are some items to fill your child’s backpack:


* Football/ Soccer boots (shoes)

* Football/ Soccer Shin pads 

* Stockings (socks)

* Tracksuit and jacket for cloudy weather or light rain drop, as we train outdoors

* A set of water colour paint/ colour pencil and pencil for Fine Art (All campers will do some art work after lunch, as it’s advisable to rest an hour after food before doing any sports)

* Water bottle for children who signed up for camp only

* Lunch box for children who signed up for camp only




We ask that you keep these things at home:


* iPods

* Cell Phones

* Money (except if the child needs it to buy water from the distribution machine)

* Trading Cards

* Weapons of any Kind

* Alcohol & Tobacco Products

* Any Electronics

* Any Valuables, including personal sports equipment, many of these items can be lost or broken while at camp. If these items accidentally show up at camp, coach will hold them for the camper and return them at the end of the day. NB: In case of theft, FKA is not responsible for any of these items mentioned, if brought to camp.


Early drop off / Late pick up:

Our camp programme operate from 9:00am to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday. We offer extended care before and after camp for additional extra charge. You can drop off your camper between 8:00am - 9:00am and pick up between 4:00pm - 6:00pm. If you wish to, you have to request/ reserve it during your child registration for the camp. These extended hours are offered at € 15,00  per hour to be paid in cash on the last day of camp to the onsite camp supervisor or officer.


Late pick up policy:


Children must be picked up by the time camp closes. If an emergency arises and you are unable to reach the site by close, please phone us to assure both the coach and your child that you are on the way. Late pickup charge If you pick up after 4:00pm, FKA reserve the right to charge a € 15,00 per hour fee and/or ask you to withdraw your camper.


Lunch (food):

Our lunch is hot meal, e.g rice with chicken, Pasta with beef (tomato or white sauce), Fish with vegetables, Pizza with salad etc...

After meal: Fruit, cake, yoghourt, Ice cream depending on the timetable for the day and weather condition.


Lunch is provided by a qualified traiteur and lunch times table will be given to all campers.


Campers who signed up for camp only.

Please bring a lunch that can survive until noon without refrigeration. Parents also have the option of bringing money for their child’s lunch, instead of their usual lunch pack.


Camp Cancellation Policy


By enrolling your child in our programme, you are committing to the entire duration for the option which you sign up (camps - full week, regular season sessions and other programmes offered by FKA).


Cancellation and General Policies: (Deposit is non-refundable)

There is a non-refundable € 30,00 administration fee per child, if you wish to cancel any full week camp, regular season sessions and other programme.  If written cancellation is received by the registration office at least 10 weeks prior to start of the camp, regular season and other programme starting date. Consideration will be only given to either switching camp date (full week) or camp credit voucher for next camp/ or regular season. No refunds will be provided once camp/ or regular season has started and days missed for any reason cannot be refunded or made up. There are no refunds given due to bad weather (light rain). If qualified for refund, refunds will be made after 15 working days.


Camp/ or regular season and other programme registration fee is non-refundable. In the event you must cancel your registration, you will receive a refund as defined below:

If you have to cancel for any reason, your deposit and additional fees depending on your cancellation date will not be refunded. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Exceptions to this policy will not be made for any reason, including weather - light rain or personal emergencies and balances cannot be transferred.


* 9 - 10 weeks prior: Cancellation Fee of 10% of original camp, regular season or other programme price forfeit.

* 7 - 8 weeks prior: Cancellation Fee of 30% of original camp, regular season or other programme price forfeit.

* 5 - 6 weeks prior: Cancellation Fee of 40% of original camp, regular season or other programme price forfeit.

* 3 - 4 weeks prior: Cancellation Fee of 50% of original camp, regular season or other programme price forfeit.


* 1 - 2 weeks prior: Cancellation Fee of 100% of original camp, regular season or other programme price forfeit.


* NB: Cancellation requests due to very serious illness or accident prior to the camp, regular season and other programme session start date require a physician's written verification (Medical Certificate). Upon receipt of verification, we will issue 50% next camp, regular season or other programme transfer refund, ie you pay 50% less of the original camp, regular season or other programme fee during your next camp/ or regular season. This 50% amount exclude lunch fee which is non-refundable.


* Cancellations due to personal reasons, etc... will not receive a refund.


* There are no discounts, refunds or exchanges associated with an Athlete skipping or missing any portion of a camp or regular season sessions including, without limitation, meals, lectures or rides.


* FKA reserves the right to cancel a camp or regular season session(s)/ or class at any time.  In this event, athlete will be issued a full refund for the camp or regular season registration fee.  FKA is not responsible for expenses associated with planning the athlete’s trip including without limitation, airfare, lodging, meals, transportation, etc..., (collectively “Athlete Expenses”) to attend any camp, regular season or other programmes offered by FKA.


* Camp and regular season will be conducted based on the schedule posted prior to the camp and regular season, but FKA reserves the right to modify the camp or regular season schedule based on, without limitation, weather condition, force majeure and the number/ or skill level of athletes in attendance.

* All fees will be applied to the camp/ or regular season for which athlete is registered.  If athlete has to cancel for any reason, the deposit and applicable cancellation fees will be applied to the camp/ or regular season for which athlete was registered and cannot be transferred to an alternate camp/ or regular season and any other programme, service or product offered by FKA.


* If you are not satisfied with your camp/ or regular season experience, please notify a coach or the camp/ teams manager as soon as possible DURING THE CAMP/ OR REGULAR SEASON SESSION.  FKA will make a considerable effort to remedy any issues.  Refunds will not be issued for camps/ or regular season once the programme has commenced.












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InterSports International


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© Since 2003 Football Klinik Academy. All rights reserved

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